Consolidated Telephone Co.
Customer Service: 800-742-7464
Internet Support: 800-232-7094


Customer Information

 Quantity ($10.00 ea.)
 Quantity ($1.50 ea.)
 Quantity ($4.50 ea.)
 Quantity ($175.00 ea.)
 Quantity ($28.50 ea.)


I hereby subscribe to Broadband High Speed Internet Access (Service) provided by Consolidated Companies, Inc. and its subsidiaries (Consolidated) and I specifically agree that:

I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Internet End User Agreement. I will abide by all terms, conditions and restrictions applicable in association with the Service.

I am responsible for any other person or persons who may access the Service through my facilities or equ ipment, and for all charges associated with such use. I will pay an activation fee and a monthly fee for the Service. Consolidated will not provide a Static Internet Protocol (IP) address. Consolidated may change the rate structure which will apply to the Service thereafter in the event I continue to subscribe to the Service.

I understand data speeds listed in this agreement or in promotional materials refer to maximum burstable speeds and are not guaranteed minimum speeds. While my broadband connection is assumed to be active and available continuously, I understand that a certain small percentage of downtime is to be expected for scheduled or non-scheduled system maintenance and repair. Data usage is unlimited; however, I understand that if my monthly outbound or inbound data transfer impedes the network use of others, my service may be suspended.

I am required to provide all computer equipment necessary to utilize the Service including a Network Interface Card and/or compatible equipment to connect to Consolidated's high-speed network. Because not all types of equipment will interface with Consolidated's high-speed data network, I understand and agree it is my responsibility to purchase a broadband modem or router from Consolidated. Consolidated will warranty the modem or router for thirty days provided a visual inspection does not reveal damage that would void the manufacturer's warranty.

Consolidated may make changes to its Internet service that will require changes to my computer hardware, configuration settings, or software. I understand and agree that it is solely my responsibility to make any changes to my hardware, configuration settings or software that are required to access the service.

I am solely responsible for any information I upload or download when using the Service and I agree to hold Consolidated harmless from any liability for any information I upload or download. I understand a virus or other harmful components may be included in anything I download and Consolidated shall not be liable for any damage I incur as a result thereof or otherwise. I understand there are computer programs available to screen or block materials I feel are offensive or objectionable, and there are computer programs to protect against viruses or other harmful components. I agree it is my sole responsibility to obtain and use those programs if I wish and Consolidated has no obligation whatsoever to provide those programs or others to me. I understand there is computer equipment available to screen or block undesired access to my computer or network. I agree it is my sole responsibility to obtain and use those pieces of equ ipment or "Firewalls" and Consolidated has no obligation whatsoever to provide those items to me.

I will not allow any other persons to access my account or utilize the Service provided by Consolidated other than employees or patrons of my business at a business location or members of my household at a residential location. I agree to secure any wireless connections (routers or modems) so that any unauthorized use is prohibited. I will not attach a mail server or web server to my connection, and I will not resell the Service.

I will not violate any laws or regulations, interfere with others, or use the Service for malicious purposes. If I do not comply with the terms of this Agreement, Consolidated may immediately terminate my access to the Service without prior notice to me.

I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Internet End User Agreement. I will abide by all terms, conditions and restrictions applicable in association with the Service.

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